Friday, March 25, 2011

List of South African group buying coupon sites

So after a little research (read: Google), I am posting what I think is a pretty comprehensive list of group buying sites. Not all are fully operational, and of those that are operational, not all offer deals for every city. The market it seems, is much bigger than I supposed. I wonder if all of them are breaking even. Theoretically, there are enough businesses in each city that each of these sites should thrive if they can convince enough of the business to offer discounts.

So far it seems the best deals are coming from Zappon, Wicount, Vuvuplaza and Twangoo, but take a look and judge for yourselves.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Zappon - new group buying coupon site

Another coupon site has launched - today by the look of it (there is only one deal on and no deal history).
Take a look at

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nuclear Meltdown in Japan - not likely

Very interesting article. Technical and long, but worth a read.

"Why I am not worried about Japan’s nuclear reactors"

In reality the true situation remains largely unknown due to Japan's poor public communications, and the article may or may not be accurate.

An up-to-date account is being kept at MIT NSE Nuclear Information Hub

[via WarrenN]